by Tambra Breyer

According to Medical News Today, an addiction is “an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it may cause psychological or physical harm.” The United States has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, “Legally, the United States imported opium for more than a hundred years, morphine was in common use during the Civil War, and heroin was manufactured by the end of the nineteenth century.” Yet alcohol was the predominant concern in the early 1900s which led to the Prohibition era from 1920-1933. It may not come as a surprise that AA has its origin beginning in 1935. Yet both drug and alcohol addiction were well understood by the mid-20th century.

While drug and alcohol addictions may have been well understood, addictive behaviors were not. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that psychologists began to understand gambling as an addiction rather than a problematic way to relieve stress. This led to a better understanding of behavior or process addictions as a whole. Then, on April 30, 1993, the world wide web was launched into the public domain. While the first smartphone was released in 1992, the first phone with internet capabilities was launched in 2001 allowing for information to now be immediately available to the masses. This means that those aged 23 and under never knew a world without smartphones. Anytime delayed gratification is removed, the likelihood for addiction increases substantially. Here are a few statistics on smartphones that tell a story of addiction:

  • Average smartphone users touch their phone 2,617 times per day. Heavy users touch their devices an average of 5,427 times per day.
  • An average user checks their smartphone every 12 minutes. Users under the age of 21 have a shorter check-in time of 8.6 minutes.
  • Fifty percent of teens believe they are addicted to their mobile device. Fifty-nine percent of parents believe their teens are addicted to their mobile device.
  • Nearly 40% of children ages 8-12 use social media (even though the required platform age is 13 years old).

It is imperative that we all learn more about addictions so that we can better understand, love, and help those we know who are struggling with any type of addiction.

Two Types of Addictions
As alluded to above, there are two types of addictions: chemical addictions and process or behavior addictions. A chemical addiction is where a chemical such as prescription medications, alcohol, or illegal drugs is ingested into the body and the body reacts in such a way that the person becomes physically dependent on the substance. Some drugs take time for dependency to develop while others develop almost immediately (fentanyl, for example). With a drug dependency, the body develops a tolerance for the substance, and more is required to achieve the same effects. In addition, when the substance use is discontinued the person experiences physical withdrawal symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, sweating, shaking, etc. Dependency becomes an addiction once the person continues to use the substance despite harmful consequences.

A process addiction, also known as behavior addiction, is different than a chemical addiction although the effects can be the same. In a process addiction, a person becomes addicted to a high they get from experiences that cause hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, or adrenaline to be released into the body. Process addictions include gambling addiction, food addiction, video game addiction, sex/pornography addiction, and even social media addiction. Of the process addictions, technology or digital addictions have become most problematic. Toddlers now have tablets in their stroller and school age children now use computers in the classroom. The average age of first exposure to porn is now eight years old.

Hallmarks of a process addiction include: continuing the activity despite negative consequences, concealing the activity from others, increasing the activity over time, becoming preoccupied with the activity, experiencing difficulties at work, and neglecting relationships. If any of those apply to you, it’s important to take an honest look at your recreational activities and even seek the opinion of a trusted family member or friend.

Habits versus Addictions
Often, an addiction starts off as a bad habit. This makes it difficult to know when something crosses the line from habit to addiction. While not all bad habits become an addiction, it is common for many process addictions (and some chemical addictions) to start off this way. For example, a gambling addiction may begin with a winning night out with friends, then progress to higher stakes gambling every weekend instead of occasionally, and eventually ending in bankruptcy or worse. The difference between a bad habit and an addiction is the amount of time it consumes in a person’s life together with the negative consequences of the behavior.

In June Hunt’s book Habits and Addictions, Hunt describes the addiction progression as beginning from an “inclination which is a natural desire to act in a certain way” to an impulse which she describes as “a sudden, spontaneous inclination to act impetuously.” A habit, then, is a pattern of frequently repeated behavior, or continually acting on those impulses. This repeated behavior causes a person to become preoccupied to the point that they are overpowered by their dependence on the substance or action resulting in significant life issues or consequences. They are addicted.

Every addiction has four components: physical (there is a biochemical or physical dependence), mental (“stinking thinking”), emotional (search for more/higher), and spiritual (we have made something our god). Therefore, recovery must address all four of those components. Twelve-step programs that are rooted in Biblical principles will not only address all components of the addiction, they also have a higher rate of long-term recovery success than secular therapies.

It's also important to recognize that any addiction is a family disease. Denial is a key obstacle to getting appropriate help, and labeling an addiction as merely a problem or bad habit ultimately hinders healing and recovery. As the saying goes, we are only as sick as our secrets. Family dysfunction also plays a key role in the addiction. The person who is dependent on the substance or behavior has a substantial role in the addiction, but they rarely act alone. Other family members contribute to the addiction by being co-dependent, enabling, rescuing, denying, and distracting. This is why it is critical for family members to attend meetings in a 12-step program such as Al Anon or Celebrate Recovery.

In this fast-paced world, where delayed gratification is more of an exception than the norm, addictions will continue to increase and affect kids at younger ages. It is up to each of us to be vigilant and constantly aware of the ever-changing substances and behaviors affecting us. While the substances and behaviors may change, the pattern and process of addiction remains the same. As Peter says in 1 Pet. 5:8, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”