For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Did you know that all Jesus followers have been gifted with skills and abilities by the Holy Spirit to serve and bless others?! At Southwest we believe that not only do we bless other people when we serve them, but that we also grow in our own faith and discipleship when we serve!
There are so many places to serve at Southwest, and we want to help you find your place! Some areas to serve in include Guest Services, Student Ministry, Kids Ministry, Media Team, and even the Band! Take a look further down the page for how you can get plugged in to volunteering at Southwest.
There are so many places to serve at Southwest, and we want to help you find your place! Some areas to serve in include Guest Services, Student Ministry, Kids Ministry, Media Team, and even the Band! Take a look further down the page for how you can get plugged in to volunteering at Southwest.

Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Depending on where you might like to volunteer, the process can look a little different. For example, volunteering with Kids and Students would begin by meeting with those area ministers followed by a background check. Volunteering with the band means meeting with our Creative Arts Minister and scheduling an audition. As a good first step, email Connections Minister Rocky LaPrade and he'll walk you through the process.
How do I volunteer with kids?
Kids Ministry is so important and so fun! If you have a love and passion for kids learning about Jesus in a safe atmosphere, then we'd love to talk with you! All KidMin volunteers are required to take and pass a background check. To set up an initial meeting about volunteering, please contact Kids Minister Tammy Stall.
How do I volunteer with creative arts?
Our Creative Arts Ministry includes the band, vocalists, sound technician, media, and camera operator. If you're interested in having a conversation about joining this team, contact Creative Arts Minister Larry Adams.
How do I volunteer with students?
Student Ministry (middle school and high school) is one of the most essential and important ministries at Southwest. It is also one of the most rewarding! If serving students interests you, contact Student Minister Nathan Mitchell. All student ministry volunteers are required to take and pass a background check.
How do I volunteer with guest services?
Guest Services volunteers act as our front line in showing love and hospitality to all who come to Southwest. These volunteers include door and lobby greeters, Worship Center ushers, and sanitizing high traffic areas between services. Guest Services is where many volunteer at Southwest for the very first time! If you'd be interested in learning more, contact our Connections Minister Rocky LaPrade.